Martes, Hunyo 14, 2011

Assignment: page 15 Can You Understand?

1. Evaluate the different entrepreneurial characteristics under PECs. How does applying similar characteristics help us succeed in other areas of life? Explain your answer by giving examples.
-Vigilance for Opportunities
       An entrepreneur is always on the lookout for chances to improve his position.
-Commitment to Work Contract
       An entrepreneur always delivers his promise promptly and will do everything not to back out on a commitment.
       An entrepreneur is determined to succeed on his goal and will find ways to accomplish his tasks.
-Willingness to Take Risks
       It is when one takes his chances with a new venture that better products and services are discovered.
-Demand for Efficiency and Quality
       An entrepreneur insists that items of excellent quality be done at the soonest time possible.
-Goal Settings
       It inspire an entrepreneur to make definite plans and to follow those plans with concrete action.
-Information Seeking
       An entrepreneur is always searching for a new information related to his business and uses these to improve his services, satisfy his customers, and be ahead of his competitions.
-Systematic Planning and Monitoring
       An entrepreneur make detailed plans before starting out on a new venture. He couples this with careful evaluation to be aware of his progress every step of the way.
-Persuasion and Networking
       An entrepreneur is able to promote a good product or service convincingly and satisfied customers will help him promote the business through word of mouth.
-Self Confidence
       An entrepreneur show confidence because he knows he has done and is doing his best to give his clients the best value for their patronage.

-Some of the characteristics under PECs help us succeed in other areas of life like self confidence,persistence, and information seeking.
*Self Confidence-we need a self confidence in every areas of life. When your performing, you need to have confidence so you can perform well.
*Persistence-your finding ways to do everything to success. For example, in studying, you'll do everything to pass, you even pay expenses so you can have your own book.
*Information Seeking-you're gathering information so you can use it as an entrepreneur but not only in business, you can use some information in studying your lessons and also to be aware of what is new.

2. Explain how having the Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies can help you become a successful entrepreneur.
 Having the Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies can help you become a successful entrepreneur because when you have this traits, you can improve your product and services and at the same time, you can be a well-known entrepreneur because of the good qualities of your products and services.

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