Biyernes, Hunyo 24, 2011







Miyerkules, Hunyo 22, 2011






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File:Smart Communications.svg




Cubao  Restaurants




Sabado, Hunyo 18, 2011


tapos na ring mag-quiz...
kainis nag-loko ung quizstar, nag-exceed tuloy ako ng time limit...
sayang binilisan ko pa naman...
tapos na ko ng 5 minutes lng eh..

Biyernes, Hunyo 17, 2011

Miyerkules, Hunyo 15, 2011

Assignment: page 20 (Can You Apply it Now?)

Read the selection below and do the activity that follows.

   Carla always had a talent in crocheting. She discover this skill in her TLE classes and continued practicing it until college. She made personal items like pouches and ID laces which people admired. She decided  early on that she would start a crochet business right after college.
   Upon graduation, Carla started a small shop selling crocheted products. Things were not always easy for her in the beginning because there were many similar shops around competing for customers. But Carla was not discouraged. She constantly looked for new designs and asked for her customers' suggestions to improve her product. Soon, customers noticed how unique her items were and orders began pouring in.
    Part of her success was due to her ability to tell what people would want in the future and create new designs ahead of her competitors. In this, she had a lot of help from her employees whom she treated decently and who, in return, helped her arrive at new ideas for the products, She also avoided her tendency to slack off at times, and continued working to keep the lead she had set.
    Because of her fondness for her craft and her customers. Carla's decisions mostly proved helpful for her business. Her decisions are guided by her commitment to give her customers total satisfaction. She is also careful not to repeat old mistakes, and applies the lessons she had learned in the past in decision-making.
     Carla also believes in honesty as the best policy, so her clients grew to respect her and continued patronizing her business.

     Identify the entrepreneurial characteristics that helped Carla succeed in her business.

-Decision-Making Skills
-Desire for Responsibility
-High Energy Level
-Well-defined Values
-Desire for Immediate Feedback
-Strong Desire to Achieve

Martes, Hunyo 14, 2011

Assignment: page 15 Can You Understand?

1. Evaluate the different entrepreneurial characteristics under PECs. How does applying similar characteristics help us succeed in other areas of life? Explain your answer by giving examples.
-Vigilance for Opportunities
       An entrepreneur is always on the lookout for chances to improve his position.
-Commitment to Work Contract
       An entrepreneur always delivers his promise promptly and will do everything not to back out on a commitment.
       An entrepreneur is determined to succeed on his goal and will find ways to accomplish his tasks.
-Willingness to Take Risks
       It is when one takes his chances with a new venture that better products and services are discovered.
-Demand for Efficiency and Quality
       An entrepreneur insists that items of excellent quality be done at the soonest time possible.
-Goal Settings
       It inspire an entrepreneur to make definite plans and to follow those plans with concrete action.
-Information Seeking
       An entrepreneur is always searching for a new information related to his business and uses these to improve his services, satisfy his customers, and be ahead of his competitions.
-Systematic Planning and Monitoring
       An entrepreneur make detailed plans before starting out on a new venture. He couples this with careful evaluation to be aware of his progress every step of the way.
-Persuasion and Networking
       An entrepreneur is able to promote a good product or service convincingly and satisfied customers will help him promote the business through word of mouth.
-Self Confidence
       An entrepreneur show confidence because he knows he has done and is doing his best to give his clients the best value for their patronage.

-Some of the characteristics under PECs help us succeed in other areas of life like self confidence,persistence, and information seeking.
*Self Confidence-we need a self confidence in every areas of life. When your performing, you need to have confidence so you can perform well.
*Persistence-your finding ways to do everything to success. For example, in studying, you'll do everything to pass, you even pay expenses so you can have your own book.
*Information Seeking-you're gathering information so you can use it as an entrepreneur but not only in business, you can use some information in studying your lessons and also to be aware of what is new.

2. Explain how having the Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies can help you become a successful entrepreneur.
 Having the Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies can help you become a successful entrepreneur because when you have this traits, you can improve your product and services and at the same time, you can be a well-known entrepreneur because of the good qualities of your products and services.

Lunes, Hunyo 13, 2011

Assignment: page 10 (Enrichment Activity)

If I were an entrepreneur, I would be in the Food Industry because this industry is always "in". Food is a basic need of human, all people eat food that's why food industry, for me, offers high opportunity for new businesses. People always seek new food, new taste and new style of cooking and that makes this industry not obsolete.

Linggo, Hunyo 12, 2011


Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies

The original research by McClelland and McBer identified 14 PECs; the EMPRETEC [a UN program for small businesses; from the Spanish words emprendedores (entrepreneurs) and tecnología (technology)] clustered these into just 10:

Achievement Cluster
I. Opportunity Seeking and Initiative
* Does things before asked or forced to by events
* Acts to extend the business into new areas, products or services
* Seizes unusual opportunities to start a new business, obtain financing, equipment, land work space or assistance

II. Risk Taking
* Deliberately calculates risks and evaluates alternatives
* Takes action to reduce risks or control outcomes
* Places self in situations involving a challenge or moderate risk

III. Demand for Efficiency and Quality
* Finds ways to do things better, faster, or cheaper
* Acts to do things that meet or exceed standards of excellence
* Develops or uses procedures to ensure work is completed on time or that work meets agreed upon standards of quality

IV. Persistence
* Takes action in the face of a significant obstacle
* Takes repeated actions or switches to an alternative strategy to meet a challenge or overcome an obstacle
* Takes personal responsibility for the performance necessary to achieve goals and objectives

V. Commitment to the Work Contract
* Makes a personal sacrifice or expends extraordinary effort to complete a job
* Pitches in with workers or in their place to get a job done
* Strives to keep customers satisfied and places long term good will over short term gain

Planning Cluster
VI. Information Seeking
* Personally seeks information from clients, suppliers or competitors
* Does personal research on how to provide a product or service
* Consults experts for business or technical advice

VII. Goal setting
* Sets goals and objectives that are personally meaningful and challenging
* Articulates clear and specific long range goals
* Sets measurable short term objectives

VIII. Systematic Planning and Monitoring
* Plans by breaking large tasks down into time-constrained sub-tasks
* Revises plans in light of feedback on performance or changing circumstances
* Keeps financial records and uses them to make business decisions

Power Cluster
IX. Persuasion and Networking
* Uses deliberate strategies to influence or persuade others
* Uses key people as agents to accomplish own objectives
* Acts to develop and maintain business contracts

X. Independence and self-confidence
* Seeks autonomy from the rules or control of others
* Sticks with own judgement in the face of opposition or early lack of success
* Expresses confidence in own ability to complete a difficult task or meet a challenge

personal entrepreneurial competencies
Risk Taking
Demand for Efficiency and Quality
Commitment to the Work Contract
Information Seeking
Goal setting
Systematic Planning and Monitoring
Independence and self-confidence

Biyernes, Hunyo 10, 2011


Pee Puck Turns Your Toilet YellowPee Puck is a new prank that you place in the toilet reservoir, turning the toilet water yellow for days, despite reflushing.

A safe and inexpensive way to get some laughs at your friend's next party.

pee puck
A Truly Clean Towel EverytimeTrue Clean Towel solves that old problem of "which end of the towel did I dry my ass with?"When you step out of the shower, and reach for that towel to dry yourself off, you don't often remember which end of the towel you used yesterday to dry your butt with. So you just end up drying off your face with something that you might consider unsanitary.It basically allows you to reuse your towels for several days, while saving money and water on laundry, but with the peace of mind knowing which end you can use for "up there" and "down there".But it's also a pretty good towel in its own right, made of 100% Jacquard Double Spun Cotton, measuring 5 feet tall x 2.5 feet wide, with the design woven into the fabric for maximum softness and durability.

True CLean Towel
Simple Bed Bug TrapA company called The Bed Moat, Inc. has developed a monitor called The Bed Moat which can trap bed bugs.You place four Bed Moats under the legs of your bed, chairs, sofas, etc., and its slippery polished plastic moat prevents the blood sucking critters from crawling back out.At just $20.00 for a set of four Bed Moats, its a simple and cost-effective way of enacting some control over these pests.

bed bug trap

Automatic Toilet Flusher for CatsFor those cat owners who have managed to train their cats to use the toilet, you can buy a device that will let your cat flush it easily.It comes from the makers of CitiKitty, a company that sells a toilet training kit for cats.It basically uses a motion sensor to detect a cat's presence, and then flushes the toilet when it detect's it's gone. It comes with adjustments that let you alter the distance of the sensor, and the delay of the flush.You can also have it do a courtesy flush once a day.

automatic toilet flusher for cats